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Casts data from rows to the column names of a data frame, with the option to fill missing values row-wise. This utility is helpful in the case of merged cells in Microsoft Excel, where the merged range has data only in the first (unmerged) cell. This function is similar to janitor::row_to_names(), with the exception of the fill utility.


  fill_missing = TRUE,
  remove_row = TRUE,
  remove_rows_above = TRUE,
  sep = "_"



A data frame.


A numeric vector with he row indices of data containing the variable names. Allows for multiple rows input as a numeric vector. If multiple rows, values in the same column would be pasted with the sep argument as a separator. NA's are ignored.


A logical vector of length 1 or of length length(row_number). Every value in the vector denotes for the matching row in data[row_number, ] if the row should fill missing values (from left to right). If TRUE for a row, all missing values following a non-missing value will be replaced with that preceding non-missing value.


A logical vector of length 1, denoting if the row row_number should be removed from the resulting data.frame.


A logical vector of length 1, denoting if the rows above row_number - that is, between 1:(row_number-1) - should be removed from the resulting data.frame, in the case that row_number != 1.


A character vector of length 1 to separate the values in the case of multiple rows input to row_number.


df <- data.frame(
  a = 1:6,
  b = rep(c("x", NA), 3),
  c = letters[1:6]

#>   a    b c
#> 1 1    x a
#> 2 2 <NA> b
#> 3 3    x c
#> 4 4 <NA> d
#> 5 5    x e
#> 6 6 <NA> f

row_to_names_fill(df, 2:3)
#>   2_3  2_x b_c
#> 1   4 <NA>   d
#> 2   5    x   e
#> 3   6 <NA>   f
row_to_names_fill(df, 2:3, sep = ".")
#>   2.3  2.x b.c
#> 1   4 <NA>   d
#> 2   5    x   e
#> 3   6 <NA>   f
row_to_names_fill(df, 2:4, fill_missing = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
#>   2_3_4  2_x b_c_d
#> 1     5    x     e
#> 2     6 <NA>     f