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Israeli municipalities have different id's and sometimes even different names across different government organizations. This function allows you to read different municipality id's and names , so interchanging between the different specifications would be easier.


read_muni_id(id_types = c("muni", "edu", "tax"), include_names = FALSE)



A character vector of length between 1 and 3, containing at least one (or two, or all of) of the possible values. id's (and possibly names) of municipalities are kept for the selected sources:

  • "muni" is for CBS id's and (cleaned) names.

  • "edu" is for Ministry of Education municipal symbol ("Semel Reshut" in Hebrew)

  • "tax" is for Israel Tax Authority municipal id (also known as a "H.P. number")


A logical vector of length 1, denoting if the names of municipalites (for each of the id_types chosen) should be included. Be aware that some munipilati names might differ between different agencies.


A tibble, where every row is a municipality and the columns include id's (and possibly names) of the municipalities from the chosen agencies.


read_muni_id() |>
#> Rows: 255
#> Columns: 3
#> $ muni_id <chr> "0472", "0473", "0182", "2710", "0031", "2400", "1020", "3760"…
#> $ edu_id  <chr> "4721", "4739", "1826", "27102", "315", "24000", "10207", "376…
#> $ tax_id  <chr> "500204722", "500204730", "500201827", "500227103", "500200316…

read_muni_id(id_types = c("muni", "edu"), include_names = TRUE) |>
#> Rows: 255
#> Columns: 4
#> $ muni_id   <chr> "0472", "0473", "0182", "2710", "0031", "2400", "1020", "376…
#> $ muni_name <chr> "אבו גוש", "אבו סנאן", "אבן יהודה", "אום אל-פחם", "אופקים", …
#> $ edu_id    <chr> "4721", "4739", "1826", "27102", "315", "24000", "10207", "3…
#> $ edu_name  <chr> "אבו גוש", "אבו סנאן", "אבן יהודה", "אום אל-פחם", "אופקים", …