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This function is a wrapper around readxl::read_excel(), reading a specific CBS index data file for a specific year and a specific data domain. Its added value is in its pre-defined parameters for every year and its specific quirks in the Excel headers. For advanced users,the full set of options is available with


  index_type = c("ses", "peri"),
  unit_type = c("muni", "yishuv", "sa"),
  cols = NULL,
  col_names = NULL



A character vector of length 1, denoting the local file path to the CBS index data file. A full list of available files by the CBS is at the relevant CBS page for either Socio-Economic Status (SES) or for peripheral level.


A numeric vector of length 1 denoting which year the data file pointed in path is for. Be aware that the year in question is the year the data is for, not the year the data was published in.


A character vector of length 1, one of c("ses", "peri").


A character vector of length 1, one of c("muni", "yishuv", "sa").

  • "muni" - every row is a municipality.

  • "yishuv" - every row is a yishuv. In some years and indices this includes all yishuvim, in others only yishuvim within regional councils.

  • "sa" - every row is a statistical area within a city or local council.


<tidy-select> Columns to keep. The default NULL keeps all columns.


A character vector containing the new column names of the output tibble. If NULL then the tibble uses the original column names. Must be the same length as the number of columns picked in cols.


A tibble with CBS index data for a specific year, where every row is a unit_type and every column is a different variable for this unit_type in that year. Be advised all columns are of type character, so you need to parse the data types yourself at will. Column names are merged from the relevant headers, and only single whitespaces are kept. Rows with more than 90% empty cells (usually rows with non-data notes) are removed.


  path = system.file("extdata", "24_22_375t1.xlsx", package = ""),
  year = 2019,
  index_type = "ses",
  unit_type = "muni"
) |>
#> Rows: 255
#> Columns: 12
#> $ `מעמד מוניציפלי_MUNICIPAL STATUS`                                                <chr>
#> $ `סמל יישוב_CODE OF LOCALITY`                                                     <chr>
#> $ `שם רשות מקומית`                                                                 <chr>
#> $ מחוז_DISTRICT                                                                    <chr>
#> $ `אוכלוסיית המדד 2019[1]_INDEX POPULATION 2019[1]`                                <chr>
#> $ `ערך מדד 2019[2]_INDEX VALUE 2019[2]`                                            <chr>
#> $ `דירוג 2019[3]_RANK 2019[3]`                                                     <chr>
#> $ `אשכול 2019[4]_CLUSTER 2019[4]`                                                  <chr>
#> $ `דירוג 2017[3]_RANK 2017[3]`                                                     <chr>
#> $ `אשכול 2017[4]_CLUSTER 2017[4]`                                                  <chr>
#> $ `הפרש (אשכול 2019 פחות אשכול 2017)_DIFFERENCE (CLUSTER 2019 MINUS CLUSTER 2017)` <chr>
#> $ `NAME OF LOCAL AUTHORITY`                                                        <chr>